

The aim of Dunoon School Hostel’s anti bullying policy is to help provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment where all can achieve their potential irrespective of their race, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age.


It is well documented that there is continuous care needed, both in schools and elsewhere to prevent bullying.  The staff are constantly alert to the various types of bullying behaviour and are continuously making pupils aware that bullying of any kind will not be tolerated here.  Help will be promptly given to any young person having difficulty.

An example of a procedure within the hostel which combats bullying and enables young persons voices to be heard is where older, responsible young people help and support younger ones.  We urge any young person who experiences bullying of any kind to tell a member of staff, their parents or a responsible senior young person.  Any form of discrimination/bullying will be challenged. ……Find out how we help young people to challenge bullying …..Scotlands anti-bullying service “You don’t have to like me… agree with me… or enjoy doing the same things I do… But you have to respect me!”